środa, 8 sierpnia 2012

Globalna Sadhana z Spirit Voyage 8.08.12-16.09.12 Medytacja transformujaca negatywnosc w miłość

1) Tune in with "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" (3 times).
2.) Meditation to Remove Negativity
Helps with depression, anger, anxiety and negativity.
Eye Focus: Eyes closed, turned up to third eye.
Length: All parts can be done between 1 and 3 minutes.
Breathing: Long deep breathing.
The first part:
Interlace your fingers with your fingers pointing towards the chest.  The right index finger should rest on top of the right.  Curl your ring and pinkie fingers back into towards their respective palms.  Reach out your left middle finger to hook onto the right ring finger and pull it back towards the left palm.  Touch the thumb tips together.
This mudra releases anger and enthrones the neutral mind.
The second part:
Cup your hands and press the base of the palms up into the cheek bones.  It may be a little painful when you press.
This mudra brings joy.
The third part:
Stretch your left arm across the body taking your right arm and pressing the left to the right shoulder.
This mudra releases tension and stress.
The fourth part:
Grab your wrists behind your back and pull down.  Open and lift the chest up and apply a slight neck lock.
This position brings energy up the spine, elevates and calms you.
3.) Ramdesh Kaur's Guided Meditation for Self-Love from "Journey into Stillness"
Sit peacefully and place your hands over your heart.  Repeat these words (out loud or mentally):
My heart, I love you. My body, I love you. My mind, I love you. I forgive myself for any words or thoughts I have made about myself that were unkind, and I release any emotional attachment to the unkind words others have said to me. I forgive myself for anything that needs to be forgiven. I recognize my own beauty. I believe in myself and in my dreams. I am bountiful, I am beautiful, I am blissful, I am. I am at peace, I am whole, and I am loved. I rest in the light of this truth.
4.) Optional:  You may finish your meditation any way you would like, either by sitting quietly and feeling love or by chanting "Sat Nam".

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